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Things and ideas I contemplate on - whether it's philosophical, abstract or concrete; this is where it'll live. I hope you'll enjoy some of my meandering thoughts of all things related to so-called "life" here.

I also have many ideas especially on improvement of all things (not just IoT! :).

food for thoughts

  • Time management is always ever so challenging.
  • Consistency however small is still an accumulated progress.
  • Learning when to say no is the most relevant thing you can ever do yourself a favor - please do it, don't be shy.
  • Staking your boundaries will help you identify where your needs and unwanted needs are. Provides you clarity of where your goals are between what you've done vs. how to achieve them.

trail races

This year, one my biggest ideas has been doing a 50k ultra trail race. Recently, I came up with the idea of doing the Dolomitic trail race that happens annually in the Dolomites, Italy. After watching some amazing female runnings who won the women's series, I'm so much more that inspiring to race again.

Back in the days, I was a dedicated trailrunner, the fast time was 2hrs PR in my first trail race back in the SF Bay area. I was training every Sunday, exploring new trails with good amount of hills. The more climbs, the better your lungs will get to crush those tough hills during racing.