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With the creative process, the key is to create a lot and edit a lot. Make more than you need, then remove everything that isn't exceptional." James Clear - The Atomic Habits)


I'd really like to write more useful content on here. Like many bloggers, finding time to do this is a challenge. For me, I'm usually inspired to blog when some amazing ideas suddenly comes across and just hit me, like "I need to post this now before I lose that motivation!" :)

I typically try to keep it succinct and achievable in small chunks. Often times, when we set big goals without smart objectives, it tends to go downhill fast!

So here it is...

My goals for 2023:

  • write 2 posts/week (anything, just write!)
  • speak at some meetup or forum once every 1-2 mos? (this is still being pondered upon... :D)
  • crush that WI4 lead this winter in Switzerland
  • run a race in the Dolomites or Alps
  • work on more IaC projects, get decent at it!


So, I haven't really been "blogging" than really just focusing on techy stuff. Figured it would be kind of fun to jot down some journalistic thoughts here as well...


  • I never really believe in serendipity until I personally had encountered a few of those this year. That has been quite a fascinating humanly experience so far, let's just say!
  • Switzerland is in the works.
  • Falling in love with British Columbia is a never-ending factor.
  • Addicted to trail running in the last couple of months.

Running keeps you lean, sharp, and fast is still the greatest proverbial truth!


Nothing interesting happening. Been heavy focus on enabling a large-scale distributed big data ecosystem for work. Sticking to small progress daily to make some kind of useful impact.


  • Time management is always ever so challenging.
  • If we can delayered work bureacracy, wouldn't it be nice to get more work done?!